Hello there,
I’m not able to solve this problem.
kindly guide me how I solve this problem.
When i type “npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mumbai” then I got a beautiful error.
Hello there,
I’m not able to solve this problem.
kindly guide me how I solve this problem.
When i type “npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mumbai” then I got a beautiful error.
Hey @maxraw,
Thanks for reaching out to us
Can you copy us your deploy.js
code here? Looks like the error comes from MetaPay.deployed
not recognized as a valid function
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
contract MetaPay{
//Define the Owner of the smart contract
address public owner;
owner = msg.sender;
//Create Struct and Mappping for request, transaction & name
struct request {
address requestor;
uint256 amount;
string message;
string name;
struct sendReceive {
string action;
uint256 amount;
string message;
address otherPartyAddress;
string otherPartyName;
struct userName {
string name;
bool hasName;
mapping(address => userName) names;
mapping(address => request[]) requests;
mapping(address => sendReceive[]) history;
//Add a name to wallet address
function addName(string memory _name) public {
userName storage newUserName = names[msg.sender];
newUserName.name = _name;
newUserName.hasName = true;
//Create a Request
function createRequest(address user, uint256 _amount, string memory _message) public {
request memory newRequest;
newRequest.requestor = msg.sender;
newRequest.amount = _amount;
newRequest.message = _message;
newRequest.name = names[msg.sender].name;
//Pay a Request
function payRequest(uint256 _request) public payable {
require(_request < requests[msg.sender].length, "No Such Request");
request[] storage myRequests = requests[msg.sender];
request storage payableRequest = myRequests[_request];
uint256 toPay = payableRequest.amount * 1000000000000000000;
require(msg.value == (toPay), "Pay Correct Amount");
addHistory(msg.sender, payableRequest.requestor, payableRequest.amount, payableRequest.message);
myRequests[_request] = myRequests[myRequests.length-1];
function addHistory(address sender, address receiver, uint256 _amount, string memory _message) private {
sendReceive memory newSend;
newSend.action = "Send";
newSend.amount = _amount;
newSend.message = _message;
newSend.otherPartyAddress = receiver;
newSend.otherPartyName = names[receiver].name;
sendReceive memory newReceive;
newReceive.action = "Receive";
newReceive.amount = _amount;
newReceive.message = _message;
newReceive.otherPartyAddress = sender;
newReceive.otherPartyName = names[sender].name;
//Get all requests sent to a User
function getMyRequests(address _user) public view returns(
address[] memory,
uint256[] memory,
string[] memory,
string[] memory
address[] memory addrs = new address[](requests[_user].length);
uint256[] memory amnt = new uint256[](requests[_user].length);
string[] memory msge = new string[](requests[_user].length);
string[] memory nme = new string[](requests[_user].length);
for (uint i = 0; i < requests[_user].length; i++) {
request storage myRequests = requests[_user][i];
addrs[i] = myRequests.requestor;
amnt[i] = myRequests.amount;
msge[i] = myRequests.message;
nme[i] = myRequests.name;
return (addrs, amnt, msge, nme);
//Get all historic transactions user has been apart of
function getMyHistory(address _user) public view returns(sendReceive[] memory){
return history[_user];
function getMyName(address _user) public view returns(userName memory){
return names[_user];
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