I tried authen parse server from my unity app.
Parse create user is OK but not save ethAddress :(.
const authData = {
id: addressLogin,
signature: signature,
data: message,
await axios
process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MORALIS_SERVER_URL + '/users',
authData: {
moralisEth: authData,
headers: headers,
Log at parse server data:
authData {
id: '0x03d3060084a79264761674ba5df5f4127949f283',
signature: '0x53ad8f1aed502c2d26b118fd09fa367ef9e3f67b62dee53f6f1248f4a28742400db37874ec096d80b51724c3e0bf2d407c570280897ee268d6041b17e7e87f421c',
data: 'xxx wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:\n' +
'0x03D3060084a79264761674ba5df5f4127949f283\n' +
'\n' +
'Please sign this message to confirm your identity.\n' +
'\n' +
'URI: https://api.ongdia9999.com/server\n' +
'Version: 1\n' +
'Chain ID: 1\n' +
'Nonce: A0jsen1mMvQBYucQ8\n' +
'Issued At: 2023-02-23T03:37:55.710Z\n' +
'Expiration Time: 2023-02-23T03:52:55.227Z\n' +
'Not Before: 2023-02-23T03:37:55.227Z'