Opensea Plugin Requests

I use the Opensea Plugin extensively throughout my app. There are a few things that will make my life so much easier:

  • create new function getCollection to return array of objects with same fields as the object returned by getAsset.
    Basically, this is batched getAsset. Specifically I would like the contract metadata and opensea orders in the objects I receive from Web3API getAllTokenIds. Currently I have to make individual requests of getAsset with each tokenId received from getAllTokenIds

  • filter NFTs by attribute on getCollection
    Allow an array of filters to be applied to getCollection. For example, I should be able to pass
    [ { "background", "blue" } ]
    and it should return all NFTs that have that attribute.
    If I pass
    [ { "background", "blue" }, { "nose", "piercing" } ],
    it should return all NFTs containing blue background and nose piercing.
    If no filter is passed, return all NFTs as usual.

  • filter NFTs by orders (listings and offers)
    Allow a filters to be applied to getCollection for NFTs containing an active listing.
    Also, allow a filter to be applied to getCollection for NFTs containing an active offer.

  • return all price history for a NFT collection
    It is already available through Web3API function getWalletTokenIdTransfers but it must be called individually for each tokenId. If this could be added as a function in Opensea Plugin, such as getCollectionHistory, that would be great.

  • NFT Attribute List and Counts
    In newly created getCollection, have new field that has a list of attributes along with the number of NFTs that have that attribute.


Thanks for your suggestions, I am also happy to see that you use the OpenSea plugin in your dapp.
Not sure when I will have some time to improve the plugin but I will surely consider your ideas.

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Okay. I thought this plugin was managed by Moralis.

Please let me know if there is any way I can help.

The plugin is managed by Moralis indeed, but atm I am busy with other tasks.
I have added your suggestions in our internal board so that I can get back on it in the future.

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very nice suggestions indeed, we will add them once we get some time


Hi guys, just starting out with the OS plugin, is there a way to set the buying duration when placing a bid on an NFT?

Usually, you set the bid with a time period like 1d, 1month, etc. after which time the bid expires, can’t seem to find this parameter in the documentation?

Kind regards

Great suggestions. It’s ridiculous that the OpenSea API makes you pass in token Ids to get orders.