Opensea Plugin opensea_createSellOrder fail

I am using react-moralis v1.4.0
I am trying to sell the nft using opensea plugin
below screenshot displays the requests sent to create sell order

the request are failing either with 504 or 400
Below is my payload

Need to know what is going wrong

you can look in network tab to get the exact error message
maybe that amount is not in the right format

The above screenshot is from network tab only
below is the response for opensea_postOrder
{“code”:141,“error”:{“status”:502,“headers”:{“x-powered-by”:“Express”,“access-control-allow-origin”:"*",“content-type”:“application/json; charset=utf-8”,“content-length”:“14”,“etag”:“W/“e-Tj8n9olBUMQK0x0qT7YAC46tguk””,“x-response-time”:“44904.160ms”,“date”:“Fri, 17 Jun 2022 14:45:45 GMT”,“connection”:“close”},“buffer”:{“type”:“Buffer”,“data”:[123,34,101,114,114,111,114,34,58,116,114,117,101,125]},“text”:"{“error”:true}",“data”:{“error”:true}}}

it does not specify what is the exact error

maybe you can use WEI here for those amount values

with wei also same behaviour
following is payload

and the response is

{“code”:141,“error”:{“status”:502,“headers”:{“x-powered-by”:“Express”,“access-control-allow-origin”:"*",“content-type”:“application/json; charset=utf-8”,“content-length”:“24”,“etag”:“W/“18-py7kky+nYw+KpM//zLTacYk1OLw””,“x-response-time”:“40832.641ms”,“date”:“Fri, 17 Jun 2022 15:58:42 GMT”,“connection”:“close”},“buffer”:{“type”:“Buffer”,“data”:[123,34,101,114,114,111,114,34,58,116,114,117,101,44,34,100,97,116,97,34,58,123,125,125]},“text”:"{“error”:true,“data”:{}}",“data”:{“error”:true,“data”:{}}}}

you have latest version of the plugin? it should be v0.0.107 now

I am using react-moralis

I mean the version for opensea plugin, that you can find in admin interface on your server details, not what version of react you are using

Its latest one

end amount should be less than start amount? can you also add them as a string?

what is the server url that you use, this one: ogcmuenluft4?

if that is the case, you can try to update the opensea plugin in interface?

No my server url is

this is the exact error now:

  code: 500005,
  message: 'Cannot generate a valid web3 sign payload',
  details: {
    method: 'signSellOrder',
    network: 'rinkeby',
    tokenAddress: '0x1c704ddef91cfa8127258e005ba82fe10073d617',
    tokenId: 17,
    tokenType: 'ERC721',
    startAmount: '"300000000000000000"',
    endAmount: '"290000000000000000"',
    userAddress: '0x55b5f999f01afb57c1a12eedadfa60ac20568839',
    error: 'Starting price must be a number >= 0'

any changes i need to do in payload
or package?

I don’t think that you have to change the package. Maybe the payload. But I don’t know now what you have to change there.