Not correct data in API "Get nft trades by marketplaces"

I try to get response “Get nft trades by marketplaces” but I getted only 1 transaction for contract “0xb47e3cd837ddf8e4c57f05d70ab865de6e193bbb” (CryptoPunks)
I expected get many transactions, but getted only 1

Hi, can you give an example of a trade that is done on opensea that is missing?

that seems to be cryptopunks contract, a contract that doesn’t follow current NFT standards

I underastand. I try to get info for MoonCats (“0x12b180b635dd9f07a78736fb4e43438fcdb41555”) and getted all data.

Next question)
How big is the data delay from the blockchain? Example, real transaction was 11.08.2022 13:13:15, when this transaction will be in your API?

the delay should be in minutes, mainly to be able to wait a number of blocks until the transaction is considered as confirmed

If I understood correctly, then the transaction appears at the same moment when it appears on Opensea?
I want to know min and max delay)

And back to answer with contracts not standards…
How many collections on opensea are non-standard as a percentage?

you can find here the number of blocks per chain that is used to consider a transaction as being confirmed

probably are less than 10 well known collections that are non standard

You are the best

Now I trying get transactions and to see 2 problems:

  1. If you send the same request 2 times, you get different answers. Why?
  2. In the responses, the last transaction time is more than 3 hours ago. Why?

those two issues are for the same request?

No, because I get different answers

what is that request that gives different answers?

Different responses
First response start with:
“total”: 13471,
“page”: 0,
“page_size”: 100,
“result”: [
“transaction_hash”: “0x8217ff728beef42d0987e9360dd6533690ac2dc32b169b1c11aae446ee5b8f1f”,
“transaction_index”: “45”,
“token_ids”: [
“seller_address”: “0xb99bac79f887f10ce3359c3839506f6fd45ffc00”,
“buyer_address”: “0x479d2e4fa72ad7b921f0f99e057535d33171b2a8”,
“token_address”: “0x31d45de84fde2fb36575085e05754a4932dd5170”,
“marketplace_address”: “0x00000000006c3852cbef3e08e8df289169ede581”,
“price”: “670000000000000000”,
“price_token_address”: null,
“block_timestamp”: “2022-08-11T05:24:13.000Z”,
“block_number”: “15318855”,
“block_hash”: “0x7e399b527909d7bbaf495cc15d07727b8c62b2e1ea755a8db854745dcac8b726”

If I send request without changing code i get other response:
“total”: 13474,
“page”: 0,
“page_size”: 100,
“cursor”: “eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.ElH7huuy1xq62hWNV761aC-NNq74Txdv4KNNUloi4p8”,
“result”: [
“transaction_hash”: “0x99de90af86346c36116e6042991a55cc9acd45911e4df60bc88b33d31ea302fa”,
“transaction_index”: “161”,
“token_ids”: [
“seller_address”: “0xb78f8384ff0689357dd03e1c2f5214d3845b623d”,
“buyer_address”: “0x98ceb87af4644c7ca2293a0ce9dc1ea4c36e9f8a”,
“token_address”: “0x31d45de84fde2fb36575085e05754a4932dd5170”,
“marketplace_address”: “0x00000000006c3852cbef3e08e8df289169ede581”,
“price”: “1200000000000000000”,
“price_token_address”: “0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2”,
“block_timestamp”: “2022-08-11T10:48:24.000Z”,
“block_number”: “15320271”,
“block_hash”: “0x71dc9fde0538068bb45af281fa639b27549798e15d691cac4693645c647b13ab”
“transaction_hash”: “0xcdba568bd326be1b394bdfd77a950841c0fa8e63efdcb0b4df0e813dcb999506”,
“transaction_index”: “102”,
“token_ids”: [
“seller_address”: “0x935745c4539bf41017ae3b63d687a35f0272bc2b”,
“buyer_address”: “0x3aac333b9687703a3a653f8f6dcce890cde4c5fa”,
“token_address”: “0x31d45de84fde2fb36575085e05754a4932dd5170”,
“marketplace_address”: “0x00000000006c3852cbef3e08e8df289169ede581”,
“price”: “890000000000000000”,
“price_token_address”: null,
“block_timestamp”: “2022-08-11T09:36:12.000Z”,
“block_number”: “15319940”,
“block_hash”: “0x03567bb0e140a9026a3f239b85f9dffd71d2192c73bf667487eafe9e66e5df91”

it looks like the total is different, maybe new transactions were processed meanwhile between those 2 requests

May be, but first requests return response where first trnsaction time = 2022-08-11T10:48:24 and second request return 2022-08-11T09:36:12

may be in your API haven’t time filtration?

the results are not necessarily ordered by date

That is, because of this, there are constantly different responses

and I want to know if you have the ability to connect via sockets

You can use the from_date and/or to_date parameters with getNFTTrades to filter down the results e.g. if you only want the latest ones.

Okay, thank’s
What about sockets?

WebSocket is not supported currently with the API.