NFT minted on Opensea does not show up in EthNFTOwners


I have minted an NFT on Opensea on the Ethereum chain and it does not show up in the EthNFTOwners table (I can see the NFT in my Trust wallet though).
NFT details:

  • owner: 0x211773eA847a59Ca889424a52835D24F8fdb79B2
  • token address: 0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e (Ethereum)
  • token ID: 14967761509146649362042614695707502031773304761906156702939265863067436580865

I have also minted an NFT on Opensea on the Polygon chain, and that shows up fine in the PolygonNFTOwners table.
NFT details:

  • owner: 0x211773eA847a59Ca889424a52835D24F8fdb79B2
  • token address: 0x2953399124F0cBB46d2CbACD8A89cF0599974963 (Polygon)
  • token ID: 14967761509146649362042614695707502031773304761906156702939265863067436580865

My server URL is:

Can anybody give me a hint regarding what is wrong?


somehow it looks like Moralis doesn’t find any nfts for that owner address on eth:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: API_KEY'


  "total": 0,
  "page": 0,
  "page_size": 500,
  "result": []

Maybe is that case when Opensea mints that nft in their own separate blockchain until that nft is sold (so that no gas fees are required on minting).
What is the transaction ID for that mint?

I understand.
I have no idea where to find the transaction ID of the mint.

Hi @nutrina

Token on Ethereum chain was “lazy minted” - it’s a way OpenSea do offchain minting for NFTs.


On polygon chain NFT has been minted onchain