hey team! I have a nft contract on mumbai testnet. I’m using moralis to get owners of the nft. its an ERC1155. the method I’m mainly interested is getNFTsForContract
as documented here. I am specifying options as
const options = {
chain: "mumbai",
address: "0x9c138706fa85b85b86e1b7e97182501fccf8e82e",
token_address: "0x099Fb655a7bb4df994243acb1A0B5a28d9ca2924",
It returning me no NFTs. however as proof I am attaching screenshots the the address infact has the nfts.
screenshot: proof that address holds nft (token id 25 for example)
you can verify yourself on mumbai explorer as well
please help and thanks in advance!