/nft/{address} total number of results doesn't match the actual total supply of the contract

The endpoint for getting the list of tokens for a contract address, /nft/{address} returns a different total number of results than the actual value gotten by bscscan or manually querying the contract myself.

For example, at the moment, 'https://deep-index.moralis.io/api/v2/nft/0x3aFa102B264b5f79ce80FED29E0724F922Ba57c7?chain=bsc&format=decimal' returns

  "total": 178679,
  "page": 0,
  "page_size": 100,

But the totalSupply via bscscan and manual querying is 160834.

The total result gotten via the API is significantly higher than what it should be.

I checked now and only the total that is returned doesnโ€™t have the expected value, if you iterate over the all results you will get the expected value

Oh, thatโ€™s a major issue as in the example above, I would have to make 1,787 requests to get the correct total number.

it will be fixed soon, thanks for reporting