/nft/{address}/{token_id} doesn't return token uri


when I try to pull out the metadata for NFT token
the Response does not return token_uri while its visible in opensea

  "token_address": "0x18d5bf4d04b8e12073e0011d30b96a10621b826f",
  "token_id": "2",
  "owner_of": "0x6658fb7a7eb457498ee82661dc7cc29dac5cdd31",
  "block_number": "26511016",
  "block_number_minted": "26511016",
  "token_hash": "87aae5fd56a5e5f3213ff3b41239d9b4",
  "amount": "1",
  "contract_type": "ERC1155",
  "name": null,
  "symbol": null,
  "token_uri": null,
  "metadata": null,
  "synced_at": null,
  "last_token_uri_sync": null,
  "last_metadata_sync": null

can someone help what did I do wrong ?

try to use resyncMetadata endpoint with uri flag for now