New events are not reflected in the Moralis Database

In the polygon-mumbai testnet environment, the new events are not reflecting in the Moralis database which is problematic for the event listener architecture that we have.

We are using the Moralis hosted servers for our own event listeners. Screenshots are attached below for reference


Please let us know what is the problem with the servers

We are not getting any new events emitted/broadcasted with streams also. Using the same contract deployed on the Mumbai Testnet, the streams are correctly configured and the webhook has been registered successfully.

The new events are not receiving. It seems something wrong with testnet event listeners infra from Moralis

Hey @Venkatesh_OP,

Thanks for reaching out to us :raised_hands:

Unfortunately, we’ll not look at any untrusted third-party link as it is a risk on our side. Can we know since when does the event stop getting added to your database?

Those links are screenshots, Attaching the image directly here

It was working good and the last event added on 09-02-2023. The events are not being added from today Morning in my time.

Hello, can you also paste the server url?

Server URL:

does it work as expected now? I restarted coreservices on that server, it looks like it got stuck at a connection. You can also restart coreservices programmatically if needed

Yeah, it is working right now

Can we know why the connection got stuck ? Wanted to make sure that this never happens on production env

we have to investigate more, I don’t know exactly now, it could have been a DNS issue or something else

can you paste the stream id that didn’t work as expected?

can you paste the stream id that didn’t work as expected?

Stream ID: 4d8e2665-57cf-4bfb-85e3-ec1987b2808d

we have to investigate more, I don’t know exactly now, it could have been a DNS issue or something else

Please prioritize this issue, it seems very critical for us

for that stream config, can you make another transaction on chain that emits that event?

the config for that stream looks ok to me

I have tried again but the webhook has not triggered

can you try again one more time? I updated your stream config to remove the spaces from topic0

It works now, I can get the events broadcasted with my webhooks


I restarted coreservices on that server, it looks like it got stuck at a connection

Please don’t close this ticket until this issue is resolved/identified.

Any updates on this issue ?

We didn’t find out more, we are deprecating now the use of old managed Moralis Servers, are you planning to move to using stream API?

I am facing same issue. Please help