Hello, I’m looking to do a listing NFT page like in the ethereum boilerplate.
The page work for the ropsten network, but when I switch to the mumbai network the SDK’s return is empty.
To save NFT, I use alchemy in a node.js server (didn’t found how to do it with moralis)
To get my metamask NFT, I use
const { data: NFTBalances } = useNFTBalances();
My contract is 0xe62a6e2b595bf28be360c25ae925a4e91b88dd37
My Metamask public address is 0xF31feD16C46Cd73ed744197308D8df7f4A2379fB
My Moralis Server url is https://bxz6lkh2y9jq.usemoralis.com:2053/server
My Moralis app id is q55VBrpQvPaaqgE8XRkDofo5tbGf0nqlWlWk3VB5
Here you can see some nfts exist for this contract : https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xe62a6e2b595bf28be360c25ae925a4e91b88dd37
Here is details about the XHR request I see in my browser
So you can see I’m correctly using the Mumbai network (key 0x13881)
Tell me if you need more informations
Do you have an idea where the error can come from ?
Thanks for the support