
3. Disable Auto Data Fetching
To disable auto data fetching after your component has been mounted you can set revalidateOnMount = false. Example:

import { useEvmWalletTokenBalances } from '@moralisweb3/next'

const App = () => {
  const { data: balance, fetch } = useEvmWalletTokenBalances({ address: '0x...' }, { revalidateOnMount: false })

  return (
      <button onClick={fetch}>Fetch Balance Manually</button>
      <div>{JSON.stringify(balance, null, 2)}</div>

It seems useEvmWalletTokenBalances will error if address is not valid, this makes it difficult to implement if address will come from a input field, you would need to do alot of validation against the wallet address Moralis SDK Core Error: [C0005] Invalid address provided

Closing this post as the discussion is continued on discord