Moralis[Solana auth, Next]: Error: Operation requestChallengeSolana has no requestHandler in auth

I am currently following this page to connect solana-wallet-adaptor to my dapp.

However, I am encountering this issue at the moment.

 Error: Operation requestChallengeSolana has no requestHandler in auth.[object Object]


Cannot read properties of null (reading 'operation')

I am not sure if this mistake is coming from my side as I followed the tutorial exactly. Does anyone know where this error might be coming from?

This error happens in both 2.11 and 2.12 of moralisweb3/next

is this is similar to this error:

then you can try with version 2.11.0

I believe it is not. I have tried with v.2.11.0

Did you also try with older versions?

In that particular case it was not working with 2.11.1 and it was working with 2.11.0

It does not work in both 2.11.0 and 2.11.1. It seems like the github repo linked in that tutorial is outdated too. Is there any way someone can test the library to see if it is working as expected? Thank you

Hey there,

it works on my end for v. 2.11.0 and above, this is also a know issue for earlier versions.

Did you run npm i or yarn again to update the dependencies version? Try check on package-lock.json or yarn.lock to see which version is installed in your project.

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