Moralis retryWebhook

I’m getting this error:

Property ‘retryWebhook’ does not exist on type ‘Streams’ Moralis

while calling this with import Moralis from ‘moralis’;

await Moralis.Streams.retryWebhook({ id: history.result[i].id, streamId: history.result[i].streamId });

any idea?

what are you trying to do with that retry webhook?

you can check how to call it in the swagger as a rest api in case that it doesn’t work with the sdk:

To retry a failed webhook

Sdk is not working as explained in the doc?

I don’t know if it works as expected or not, I didn’t test it in particular, if it doesn’t work then you can use the REST api directly with a simple http request

what version of the SDK you are using?


I’m trying to use the sdk inside a cron to recover failed streams

Is it working as declared in the docs?

Is that the latest version of the sdk?

just updated to the 2.17.0 and same error

error TS2339: Property ‘retryWebhook’ does not exist on type ‘Streams’.

How can I know what is the right one to call? Is something you could check?

the right one is


await Moralis.Streams.retry({ id: “HISTORY_ID”, streamId: “STREAM_ID” });


I suggest to update your documentation.

Hey @gerar,

Thanks for your feedback!

We’ve fixed this in our docs

Feel free to let us know if you find anything else~