Moralis.Object.registerSubclass("_User", CustomUser)?

Is this the correct format to register a subclass of the Moralis.User object?

I create my type with:

import Moralis from "moralis";
export class CustomUser extends Moralis.User {
  constructor(attributes: any) {
Moralis.Object.registerSubclass("_User", CustomUser) 

After the above, I call:

const user: any = Moralis.authenticate({
          signingMessage: "Sign to create an account",

I seem to get back a plain Moralis.User object not my CustomUser type.

not sure if this helps:

you can try to find out how to use it with Parse

Thanks I took a look and tried to test this out in the JS Console with no luck - see below. Iā€™m not sure what I am missing, but I thought this was possible per the docs at

const customUser = Parse.User.extend('CustomUser', {
  test: function(msg) { console.log("Hello " + msg); }
Parse.Object.registerSubclass("_User", customUser)
const uQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
const user = await uQuery.get("spEtYRcYSh2cCFqnnsOTBGRB",{useMasterKey: true});
try {
catch (e) {
  console.log("Error=" + e.message)

const ucQuery = new Parse.Query(customUser);
//ucQuery.equalTo("objectId", "spEtYRcYSh2cCFqnnsOTBGRB")
//const users = await ucQuery.find({useMasterKey: true});

const cUser = await ucQuery.get("spEtYRcYSh2cCFqnnsOTBGRB", {useMasterKey: true});
//const customUser = users[0]
try {
catch (e) {
  console.log("Error=" + e.message)

leads to:

"Log":{1 item
"Log":{1 item
"result":string"Error=user.test is not a function"
"Log":{1 item
"Log":{1 item
"result":string"Error=cUser.test is not a function"