Moralis not indexing some NFTs in a contract on polygon

I didn’t work yet for me either, that smart contract did a mint from where we have that 1010101 token id

FYI, with my testing in around 7 days, I just have to call to get all metadata of nft 1 time (​/nft​/{address}) and after that about 30s, I will have the data. I don’t have to call for a specific tokenId to get other data

ok, I’m testing it in a different way, anyway, it seems to be a problem because that contract is not indexed yet

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Today I got the metadata of that nft. Do you know what happen and what should I do when it happen again

you should post here on forum when happens again, if you mint new NFTs you may still see a big delay

Another problem is token_uri of tokenId = 12 for contract 0x6341a8debe827b28513d748a16cc12ee2a95729c (chain bsc testnet)
when I call api get all nft of contract

it return token_uri of that tokenId

But when I call API to get metadata of that specific tokenId, it return null


It shows both api the same data now (after about 1.5 hour), it’s really slow.

ok, at least it got up to date after some time

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Hope you guys can fix that soon.
Tks so much for your support

Hey I see another problem when I get nft data of mumbai test net chain

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \

This api return 2 record with same tokenId. I don’t know what happen

  "total": 2,
  "page": 0,
  "page_size": 500,
  "result": [
      "token_address": "0xdc4a728283a2ef5edac036e2d692c7d285663bdb",
      "token_id": "1",
      "amount": "10",
      "owner_of": "0xd59f8761c98d8c1350644dc16710c5e321cca192",
      "block_number": "21769485",
      "block_number_minted": "21768544",
      "contract_type": "ERC1155",
      "name": "RI",
      "symbol": "R",
      "token_uri": "",
      "metadata": null,
      "is_valid": 0,
      "syncing": 1,
      "synced_at": null,
      "frozen": 0
      "token_address": "0xdc4a728283a2ef5edac036e2d692c7d285663bdb",
      "token_id": "1",
      "amount": "8",
      "owner_of": "0xda8ab4137fe28f969b27c780d313d1bb62c8341e",
      "block_number": "21768544",
      "block_number_minted": "21768544",
      "contract_type": "ERC1155",
      "name": "RI",
      "symbol": "R",
      "token_uri": "",
      "metadata": null,
      "is_valid": 0,
      "syncing": 1,
      "synced_at": null,
      "frozen": 0
  "status": "SYNCED"

The format of response data is not true. Before, I don’t have owner_of and block_number when I get nft metadata of a contract address.

for ERC1155 there could be multiple owners for same token id, as same token ID can have a variable quantity

The problem is, in the last week, the data of API getAllTokenIds not contain owner and the amount data is total nft mint of this nft, not separate for each owner

I see owner with

x = await Moralis.Web3API.token.getAllTokenIds({address: ‘0xDc4a728283A2Ef5EdAC036e2d692C7d285663bDB’, chain: ‘0x13881’})

one with 10 tokens and one with 5 tokens

I checked now by calling balanceOf with ‘0xd59f8761c98d8c1350644dc16710c5e321cca192’ and ‘0xda8ab4137fe28f969b27c780d313d1bb62c8341e’

everything looks fine, what output would you expect?

I expect the response is the same with your API before
The amount is total amount of that nft(15), not 2 separate record (10 and 5) for just 1 nft like the response I post above
You can see for now, API getAllTokenIds(​/nft​/{address}) and API ​/nft​/{address}​/owners return the same response

what you say is that getAllTokenIds should return a different output vs getNFTOwners?

as in Moralis.Web3API.token.getAllTokenIds should not include the owner part and group all the owners to get the total quantity for a token?

and the output of Moralis.Web3API.token.getNFTOwners has the expected output?

Yes, that’s exactly what I want to say

The data of nft in rinkeby contract is not index happen again.
I fetch allTokenIIds for the first time yesterday, But today, it still doesn’t have data

yes, it looks like it doesn’t index new NFTs yet, hopefully will be fixed today

Do you have any update on this, our app is really depends on this function to get all nft of a contract address. It still works on Mumbai test net and bsc testnet. The problem happens for just rinkeby

it looks like it is not fixed yet on rinkeby