Moralis lookup response

Hi @here I want to get the value column of my user wallets transactions. What I am doing right now to put a lookup(join) with two tables like EthNFTTransfer lookup join with transaction_hash and EthTransaction with hash In this table providing from_address and token_address. It gives me the response where the transaction_hash and hash are not matched.

here is the code :

async function nftTransfers(){
    const userAddress = '0x0e5df4277388c9e156038db9f09c390ed2730f2e';
    const query = new Moralis.Query("EthNFTTransfers");
        const pipeline = [
            { match: { from_address: userAddress, token_address: '0x088a4855eb27f3d6f2eb91329f68ee9a1ab38683' } },
            { lookup: {
                from: "EthTransactions",
                let: { hashValue: "$hash" },
                pipeline: [
                  {$match: {$expr:  { $eq: ["$transaction_hash", "$$hashValue"]}
                  { $project: { gas: 1, value: 1, hash: 1. ,_id :0 }},
                as: "TokenWithPrice"
              { unwind : "$TokenWithPrice" },
              {limit : 10} 
    const result = await query.aggregate(pipeline);

} nftTransfers();

Here is the response:

    block_timestamp: { __type: 'Date', iso: '2021-11-08T19:17:00.000Z' },
    log_index: 14,
    contract_type: 'ERC721',
    transaction_type: 'Single',
    transaction_hash: '0x8de1ef297431e2a5aed0e0b806686b07b12d2e187f7d967f66ac21a8fe6b944c',
    transaction_index: 16,
    token_address: '0x088a4855eb27f3d6f2eb91329f68ee9a1ab38683',
    block_number: 9607845,
    from_address: '0x0e5df4277388c9e156038db9f09c390ed2730f2e',
    to_address: '0x4774deccf75ed6768a8ebb006ee0ec075c625f70',
    token_id: '0',
    amount: '1',
    block_hash: '0xa5a2d4219ba2f4dde19f1206840b7895172b29049632ad4ba90a8568d00a96ca',
    confirmed: true,
    createdAt: '2022-01-28T14:41:18.301Z',
    updatedAt: '2022-01-28T14:41:18.301Z',
    TokenWithPrice: {
      hash: '0xe974a29f8036671d1ceb4a372d9b151f7e1ddbeafb4a7e60c4bd0ff8ab783c21',
      value: '0',
      gas: 51498
    objectId: 'yXGxC1BPZevslDdCMCqmDCky'

Like the returned response is not matched how can i achieve this one? Is there any mistake that I am making to my code or any thing that you suggest on this, Thanks