Moralis.EvmApi.account.getNFTsForContract still valid?

I’m trying this demo and it seems like
Moralis.EvmApi.account.getNFTsForContract no longer works.

I can’t find the similar API in the docs anymore, in fact it seems like the docs are showing less APIs then it was a few weeks ago:

Hey @jins,

thanks for reaching out! The name of the function has been changed in more recent versions

the API you have there now refer to this if you are using the latest SDK

Let me know if you have any issue with this, will be happy to assist you further. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@YosephKS are the docs missing a parameter to specify an owner address?

This looks the same as getNFTs API route here but it’s missing the parameter to specify the owner address:

I want to get all NFTs of a specific collection owned by one user. I can did it with the API but I’m trying to just use the SDK.

I also don’t see this change in the changelog either.

Ah, looks like I’m looking for this one:

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