
I can’t connect my moralis db with node server.
Where i can find moralis Username and password string to connect.

there is no username and password, you only provide the IP and port, if you want to connect to your Moralis Server database directly (you have to whitelist your public IP first)

you can check how to post code on forum, you should not post passwords and usernames

try first to connect to the database with a simple script or program or application

Yes I have done with this but on connecting with moralis I am getting Topology closed error

can you try to dump the entire database from your moralis server with mongo dump?

Yes have tried but got this,

Failed: error dumping users and roles: error writing data for collection admin.system.version to disk: error reading collection: Failed to parse: { find: “system.version”, skip: 0, snapshot: true, $readPreference: { mode: “secondaryPreferred” }, $db: “admin” }. Unrecognized field 'snapshot

you tried with mongodump?

what is the server url?

Yes have tried with mongodump by providing my db host and port

and you got that error with mongo dump? that one with: