Moralis Airbnb project, Error in interacting with smart contracts through react

I want to make a front end page for interacting with smart contracts. In the Airbnb tutorial the addRentals function is used inside the ide to store the details of the rentals. I want to create a react page which will allow me to interact with the smart contract functions, allowing me to enter the details into the page and then storing it in DB. I have tried using the web3Executefunction() providing the abi, contract address and the params but it doesn’t seem to work.

the front end react code for calling the function

 const contractProcessor = useWeb3ExecuteFunction();
 const [nameS, setNameS] = useState();
  const [cityS, setCityS] = useState();
  const [latS, setLatS] = useState();
  const [longS, setLongS] = useState();
  const [unoDescriptionS, setUnoDescriptionS] = useState();
  const [dosDescriptionS, setDosDescriptionS] = useState();
  const [pricePerDayS, setPricePerDayS] = useState();
  const [datesBookedS, setDatesBookedS] = useState([]);
async function saveRentals() {

let options = {
      contractAddress: "xxxxxxxxxxx",
      functionName: "addRentals",
      abi: [
          inputs: [
              internalType: "string",
              name: "_name",
              type: "string",
              internalType: "string",
              name: "_city",
              type: "string",
              internalType: "string",
              name: "_lat",
              type: "string",
              internalType: "string",
              name: "_long",
              type: "string",
              internalType: "string",
              name: "_unoDescription",
              type: "string",
              internalType: "string",
              name: "_dosDescription",
              type: "string",
              internalType: "string",
              name: "_imgUrl",
              type: "string",
              internalType: "uint256",
              name: "_pricePerDay",
              type: "uint256",
              internalType: "string[]",
              name: "_datesBooked",
              type: "string[]",
          name: "addRentals",
          outputs: [],
          stateMutability: "nonpayable",
          type: "function",
      params: {
        _name: nameS,
        _city: cityS,
        _lat: latS,
        _long: longS,
        _unoDescription: unoDescriptionS,
        _dosDescription: dosDescriptionS,
        _imgUrl: img,
        _pricePerDay: pricePerDayS,
        _datesBooked: datesBookedS,
 await contractProcessor.fetch({
      params: options,
      onSuccess: () => {
      onError: (error) => {

In your onError, you can just log it directly to see what you can use and what the error is.

Make sure everything is correct; address, ABI, params, chain if it’s not Ethereum.

Is it necessary to specify the chain if it’s not ethereum? I am using polygon matic.
I think I have some error in the params, but I am not able to find the error. Can you check once?
Here is the code of the smart contract. Here I am trying to call the addRentals function through my react page.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract airbnb {

    address public owner;
    uint256 private counter;

    constructor() {
        counter = 0;
        owner = msg.sender;

    struct rentalInfo {
        string name;
        string city;
        string lat;
        string long;
        string unoDescription;
        string dosDescription;
        string imgUrl;
        uint256 pricePerDay;
        string[] datesBooked;
        uint256 id;
        address renter;

    event rentalCreated (
        string name,
        string city,
        string lat,
        string long,
        string unoDescription,
        string dosDescription,
        string imgUrl,
        uint256 pricePerDay,
        string[] datesBooked,
        uint256 id,
        address renter

    event newDatesBooked (
        string[] datesBooked,
        uint256 id,
        address booker,
        string city,
        string imgUrl 

    mapping(uint256 => rentalInfo) rentals;
    uint256[] public rentalIds;

    function addRentals(
        string memory _name,
        string memory _city,
        string memory _lat,
        string memory _long,
        string memory _unoDescription,
        string memory _dosDescription,
        string memory _imgUrl,
        uint256 _pricePerDay,
        string[] memory _datesBooked
    ) public {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner of smart contract can put up rentals");
        rentalInfo storage newRental = rentals[counter]; = _name; = _city; = _lat;
        newRental.long = _long;
        newRental.unoDescription = _unoDescription;
        newRental.dosDescription = _dosDescription;
        newRental.imgUrl = _imgUrl;
        newRental.pricePerDay = _pricePerDay;
        newRental.datesBooked = _datesBooked; = counter;
        newRental.renter = owner;
        emit rentalCreated(

    function checkBookings(uint256 id, string[] memory newBookings) private view returns (bool){
        for (uint i = 0; i < newBookings.length; i++) {
            for (uint j = 0; j < rentals[id].datesBooked.length; j++) {
                if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(rentals[id].datesBooked[j])) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(newBookings[i]))) {
                    return false;
        return true;

    function addDatesBooked(uint256 id, string[] memory newBookings) public payable {
        require(id < counter, "No such Rental");
        require(checkBookings(id, newBookings), "Already Booked For Requested Date");
        require(msg.value == (rentals[id].pricePerDay * 1 ether * newBookings.length) , "Please submit the asking price in order to complete the purchase");
        for (uint i = 0; i < newBookings.length; i++) {

        emit newDatesBooked(newBookings, id, msg.sender, rentals[id].city,  rentals[id].imgUrl);

    function getRental(uint256 id) public view returns (string memory, uint256, string[] memory){
        require(id < counter, "No such Rental");

        rentalInfo storage s = rentals[id];
        return (,s.pricePerDay,s.datesBooked);

Yes you will have to specify the chain if it’s not Ethereum, so try adding chain: "polygon" to your options. And log only error in your onError to find out the error.

You can log the whole error as @alex mentioned or console.log(error.message) to get the error message.
Since you’re trying to interact with the contract, make sure the connected wallet is on the polygon network rather.

Thankyou all for the assistance, my issue is resolved now.