Moralis Aggregate Query on image only returns the filename

Hi there,

I am running the following aggregate query on cloud function.

const pipeline = [
      match: {
        $expr: {
          $and: [
            { $eq: ["$objectId", someId] },            {
              $gt: ["$_created_at", { $toDate: someDateParam }],
      lookup: {
        from: "Profile",
        localField: "wallet",
        foreignField: "wallet",
        as: "profile",

const query = new Moralis.Query("SomeMembersTable");
const res = await query.aggregate(pipeline);

The query returns the result which is fine.
However one of the issue is that profile field in the result is an array. I know it is a join query. Is there anyway to make it return only one item.

The second question is in the profile I would expect an image url to be returned as profile.image. The image field saved on Profile table is a File type.

Anyway I could achieve this?
