Moralis-admin-cli watch-cloud-file in CI/CD

I’m setting up my deployment process and the final part is to upload the JS file to the Moralis server.

The command is currently

moralis-admin-cli watch-cloud-file --moralisSubdomain --moralisCloudFile ./dist/bundle.js

The problem is that the moralis-admin-cli tool doesn’t end, it just continues to listen for changes. Is there some parameter on the moralis-admin-cli tool that terminates the program after upload?

you can look in the code for moralis-admin-cli and make small changes, it is available in mode modules folder after you install it

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Nice. Found it, here is the changed file with support for --nowatch parameter

moralis-admin-cli watch-cloud-file --moralisSubdomain --nowatch 1 --moralisCloudFile ./dist/bundle.js

Also did a couple of changes that have been bothering me.

  • print out time on File Uploaded Correctly, after many lines of File Uploaded Correctly it’s difficult to see if it just got uploaded or not, this should help with that, differentiate the lines
  • console.error on errors, we, the programmers, need to know why something happened.

It complicates things in the CI/CD if this code is not in the npm package. Is it something you would add?


const chokidar = require('chokidar');
const Sentry = require("@sentry/node");
const fsPromises = require('fs').promises;
const fs = require('fs');
const axios = require('axios');
const help = require('../help')
const utils = require('../utils')
const { BASE_URI } = require('../config');
const check = require('syntax-error');
const grab = require('ps-grab');

 * Syncs the changes of a local javascript file to the cloud functions of a server
function watchCloudFile(){

    // Display help section if asked for it
    if (process.argv[3] == "help") return help.showHelp("watch-cloud-file");

    // Get credentials
    const apiKey = utils.getApiKey();
    const apiSecret = utils.getApiSecret();

    // Get path to the javascript file
    const filePath = grab('--moralisCloudFile') || grab('-p') || process.env.moralisCloudFile || utils.getFilePath("Specify path to cloud functions javascript file: ");
	const nowatch = grab('--nowatch');
    // Get server to use
    let subdomain = grab('--moralisSubdomain') || grab('-d') || process.env.moralisSubdomain;
    (async() => {
        // If no server was provided or it was provided in a invalid promat
        if(subdomain == undefined || subdomain.length !== 23){

            // get all user severs and let the user chose which one to use
            const servers = await utils.getUserServers(apiKey, apiSecret);
            const server = utils.getSelectedServer(servers);
            subdomain = server.subdomain;

        try {
            // Look up the file
            const stat = await fsPromises.lstat(filePath);
            if (stat.isFile()) {

				if (nowatch == "1") {

                // Watch to file changes
      'all', (event, path) => {
                    if(event === "add" || event === "change") {
                        // Read the file when changed
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("Invalid file - " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString());

	function readFileAndUpload(filePath) {
		fs.readFile(filePath, "utf8", async function read(err, data) {
			try {
				// Check for syntax error
				const syntaxError = check(data, filePath);
				if (syntaxError) {
					throw (syntaxError);
				// Post changes to endpoint
				await`${BASE_URI}/api/cli/savecloud`, {
					parameters: {
						cloud: data
				console.log("File Uploaded Correctly - " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
			} catch (e) {
				console.log("File Uploaded Failed - " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString());

module.exports = {