MMO game latency issue

Hi, I have tried the ā€œCoding Blockchain MMORPG Gameā€ tutorial, and during my testing I have found a lag of about 2 seconds between player movement.

Which is to say, if I move a player in one browser window, this movement will be observed by a second player in another browser window after 2 seconds. The latency seems huge for a MMO game, is there any method to solve it?

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Networking is a huge topic, Iā€™m sure there will be more elaboration later and Iā€™m sure there are reasonably easy solutions to bring that ā€œ2 secondā€ number down. But coming from someone doing multiplayer in a game in Unity. Itā€™s like you just said ā€œI built a Lego car, why isnā€™t it going as fast as a Tesla?ā€

Apologies for being a little negative. I do encourage you not to give up!
I can point toward some resources such as:

Upon some inspection of the code, It may have to do with how fast Moralis Subscriptions update, Which may very well be once every 2 seconds. Which simply may not be fast enough for the game you envision. Perhaps there is a way to turn up the refresh rate (may not be the correct term) in Moralis otherwise you might need to create something unique probably using a more game centric networking framework for networking the locX and locY variables. Again the resources above will be very helpful in this. There is still the bigger problem such as a game coded like this would be extremely easy to cheat or speed hack in since as far as I can tell itā€™s client authoritative. A better solution would be to send the server movement Input and the server determines where the player is and propagate that to the clients.

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Yes there are a lot of methods

You can never get real-time smooth experience when all data has to go through the server before getting to clients

Yet - all data HAS to go through and get validated by the server to avoid cheating

The solution to this is clients filling in the blanks and predicting what the server will say before hand

Here is a nice series:

Some games like Runescape make the solution easy by having 1.6 second ticks between server updates

Client prediction, Server reconciliation, itā€™s the way to go :+1: Another great resource. Itā€™s helped me a lot I see it passed around the community all the time. There is a good JavaScript implementation on the last page if you inspect the source.

// =============================================================================
//  An Entity in the world.
// =============================================================================
var Entity = function() {
  this.x = 0;
  this.speed = 2; // units/s
  this.position_buffer = [];

// Apply user's input to this entity.
Entity.prototype.applyInput = function(input) {
  this.x += input.press_time*this.speed;

// =============================================================================
//  A message queue with simulated network lag.
// =============================================================================
var LagNetwork = function() {
  this.messages = [];

// "Send" a message. Store each message with the timestamp when it should be
// received, to simulate lag.
LagNetwork.prototype.send = function(lag_ms, message) {
  this.messages.push({recv_ts: +new Date() + lag_ms,
                      payload: message});

// Returns a "received" message, or undefined if there are no messages available
// yet.
LagNetwork.prototype.receive = function() {
  var now = +new Date();
  for (var i = 0; i < this.messages.length; i++) {
    var message = this.messages[i];
    if (message.recv_ts <= now) {
      this.messages.splice(i, 1);
      return message.payload;

// =============================================================================
//  The Client.
// =============================================================================
var Client = function(canvas, status) {
  // Local representation of the entities.
  this.entities = {};

  // Input state.
  this.key_left = false;
  this.key_right = false;

  // Simulated network connection. = new LagNetwork();
  this.server = null;
  this.lag = 0;

  // Unique ID of our entity. Assigned by Server on connection.
  this.entity_id = null;

  // Data needed for reconciliation.
  this.client_side_prediction = false;
  this.server_reconciliation = false;
  this.input_sequence_number = 0;
  this.pending_inputs = [];

  // Entity interpolation toggle.
  this.entity_interpolation = true;

  // UI.
  this.canvas = canvas;
  this.status = status;

  // Update rate.

Client.prototype.setUpdateRate = function(hz) {
  this.update_rate = hz;

  this.update_interval = setInterval(
    (function(self) { return function() { self.update(); }; })(this),
    1000 / this.update_rate);

// Update Client state.
Client.prototype.update = function() {
  // Listen to the server.

  if (this.entity_id == null) {
    return;  // Not connected yet.

  // Process inputs.

  // Interpolate other entities.
  if (this.entity_interpolation) {

  // Render the World.
  renderWorld(this.canvas, this.entities);

  // Show some info.
  var info = "Non-acknowledged inputs: " + this.pending_inputs.length;
  this.status.textContent = info;

// Get inputs and send them to the server.
// If enabled, do client-side prediction.
Client.prototype.processInputs = function() {
  // Compute delta time since last update.
  var now_ts = +new Date();
  var last_ts = this.last_ts || now_ts;
  var dt_sec = (now_ts - last_ts) / 1000.0;
  this.last_ts = now_ts;

  // Package player's input.
  var input;
  if (this.key_right) {
    input = { press_time: dt_sec };
  } else if (this.key_left) {
    input = { press_time: -dt_sec };
  } else {
    // Nothing interesting happened.

  // Send the input to the server.
  input.input_sequence_number = this.input_sequence_number++;
  input.entity_id = this.entity_id;, input);

  // Do client-side prediction.
  if (this.client_side_prediction) {

  // Save this input for later reconciliation.

// Process all messages from the server, i.e. world updates.
// If enabled, do server reconciliation.
Client.prototype.processServerMessages = function() {
  while (true) {
    var message =;
    if (!message) {

    // World state is a list of entity states.
    for (var i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
      var state = message[i];

      // If this is the first time we see this entity, create a local representation.
      if (!this.entities[state.entity_id]) {
        var entity = new Entity();
        entity.entity_id = state.entity_id;
        this.entities[state.entity_id] = entity;

      var entity = this.entities[state.entity_id];

      if (state.entity_id == this.entity_id) {
        // Received the authoritative position of this client's entity.
        entity.x = state.position;

        if (this.server_reconciliation) {
          // Server Reconciliation. Re-apply all the inputs not yet processed by
          // the server.
          var j = 0;
          while (j < this.pending_inputs.length) {
            var input = this.pending_inputs[j];
            if (input.input_sequence_number <= state.last_processed_input) {
              // Already processed. Its effect is already taken into account into the world update
              // we just got, so we can drop it.
              this.pending_inputs.splice(j, 1);
            } else {
              // Not processed by the server yet. Re-apply it.
        } else {
          // Reconciliation is disabled, so drop all the saved inputs.
          this.pending_inputs = [];
      } else {
        // Received the position of an entity other than this client's.

        if (!this.entity_interpolation) {
          // Entity interpolation is disabled - just accept the server's position.
          entity.x = state.position;
        } else {
          // Add it to the position buffer.
          var timestamp = +new Date();
          entity.position_buffer.push([timestamp, state.position]);

Client.prototype.interpolateEntities = function() {
  // Compute render timestamp.
  var now = +new Date();
  var render_timestamp = now - (1000.0 / server.update_rate);

  for (var i in this.entities) {
    var entity = this.entities[i];

    // No point in interpolating this client's entity.
    if (entity.entity_id == this.entity_id) {

    // Find the two authoritative positions surrounding the rendering timestamp.
    var buffer = entity.position_buffer;

    // Drop older positions.
    while (buffer.length >= 2 && buffer[1][0] <= render_timestamp) {

    // Interpolate between the two surrounding authoritative positions.
    if (buffer.length >= 2 && buffer[0][0] <= render_timestamp && render_timestamp <= buffer[1][0]) {
      var x0 = buffer[0][1];
      var x1 = buffer[1][1];
      var t0 = buffer[0][0];
      var t1 = buffer[1][0];

      entity.x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (render_timestamp - t0) / (t1 - t0);

// =============================================================================
//  The Server.
// =============================================================================
var Server = function(canvas, status) {
  // Connected clients and their entities.
  this.clients = [];
  this.entities = [];

  // Last processed input for each client.
  this.last_processed_input = [];

  // Simulated network connection. = new LagNetwork();

  // UI.
  this.canvas = canvas;
  this.status = status;

  // Default update rate.

Server.prototype.connect = function(client) {
  // Give the Client enough data to identify itself.
  client.server = this;
  client.entity_id = this.clients.length;

  // Create a new Entity for this Client.
  var entity = new Entity();
  entity.entity_id = client.entity_id;

  // Set the initial state of the Entity (e.g. spawn point)
  var spawn_points = [4, 6];
  entity.x = spawn_points[client.entity_id];

Server.prototype.setUpdateRate = function(hz) {
  this.update_rate = hz;

  this.update_interval = setInterval(
    (function(self) { return function() { self.update(); }; })(this),
    1000 / this.update_rate);

Server.prototype.update = function() {
  renderWorld(this.canvas, this.entities);

// Check whether this input seems to be valid (e.g. "make sense" according
// to the physical rules of the World)
Server.prototype.validateInput = function(input) {
  if (Math.abs(input.press_time) > 1/40) {
    return false;
  return true;

Server.prototype.processInputs = function() {
  // Process all pending messages from clients.
  while (true) {
    var message =;
    if (!message) {

    // Update the state of the entity, based on its input.
    // We just ignore inputs that don't look valid; this is what prevents clients from cheating.
    if (this.validateInput(message)) {
      var id = message.entity_id;
      this.last_processed_input[id] = message.input_sequence_number;


  // Show some info.
  var info = "Last acknowledged input: ";
  for (var i = 0; i < this.clients.length; ++i) {
    info += "Player " + i + ": #" + (this.last_processed_input[i] || 0) + "   ";
  this.status.textContent = info;

// Send the world state to all the connected clients.
Server.prototype.sendWorldState = function() {
  // Gather the state of the world. In a real app, state could be filtered to avoid leaking data
  // (e.g. position of invisible enemies).
  var world_state = [];
  var num_clients = this.clients.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
    var entity = this.entities[i];
    world_state.push({entity_id: entity.entity_id,
                      position: entity.x,
                      last_processed_input: this.last_processed_input[i]});

  // Broadcast the state to all the clients.
  for (var i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
    var client = this.clients[i];, world_state);

// =============================================================================
//  Helpers.
// =============================================================================

// Render all the entities in the given canvas.
var renderWorld = function(canvas, entities) {
  // Clear the canvas.
  canvas.width = canvas.width;

  var colours = ["blue", "red"];

  for (var i in entities) {
    var entity = entities[i];

    // Compute size and position.
    var radius = canvas.height*0.9/2;
    var x = (entity.x / 10.0)*canvas.width;

    // Draw the entity.
    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    ctx.arc(x, canvas.height / 2, radius, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
    ctx.fillStyle = colours[entity.entity_id];
    ctx.lineWidth = 5;
    ctx.strokeStyle = "dark" + colours[entity.entity_id];

var element = function(id) {
  return document.getElementById(id);

// =============================================================================
//  Get everything up and running.
// =============================================================================

// World update rate of the Server.
var server_fps = 4;

// Update simulation parameters from UI.
var updateParameters = function() {
  updatePlayerParameters(player1, "player1");
  updatePlayerParameters(player2, "player2");
  server.setUpdateRate(updateNumberFromUI(server.update_rate, "server_fps"));
  return true;

var updatePlayerParameters = function(client, prefix) {
  client.lag = updateNumberFromUI(player1.lag, prefix + "_lag");

  var cb_prediction = element(prefix + "_prediction");
  var cb_reconciliation = element(prefix + "_reconciliation");

  // Client Side Prediction disabled => disable Server Reconciliation.
  if (client.client_side_prediction && !cb_prediction.checked) {
    cb_reconciliation.checked = false;

  // Server Reconciliation enabled => enable Client Side Prediction.
  if (!client.server_reconciliation && cb_reconciliation.checked) {
    cb_prediction.checked = true;

  client.client_side_prediction = cb_prediction.checked;
  client.server_reconciliation = cb_reconciliation.checked;

  client.entity_interpolation = element(prefix + "_interpolation").checked;

var updateNumberFromUI = function(old_value, element_id) {
  var input = element(element_id);
  var new_value = parseInt(input.value);
  if (isNaN(new_value)) {
    new_value = old_value;
  input.value = new_value;
  return new_value;

// When the player presses the arrow keys, set the corresponding flag in the client.
var keyHandler = function(e) {
  e = e || window.event;
  if (e.keyCode == 39) {
    player1.key_right = (e.type == "keydown");
  } else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
    player1.key_left = (e.type == "keydown");
  } else if (e.key == 'd') {
    player2.key_right = (e.type == "keydown");
  } else if (e.key == 'a') {
    player2.key_left = (e.type == "keydown");
  } else {
document.body.onkeydown = keyHandler;
document.body.onkeyup = keyHandler;

// Setup a server, the player's client, and another player.
var server = new Server(element("server_canvas"), element("server_status"));
var player1 = new Client(element("player1_canvas"), element("player1_status"));
var player2 = new Client(element("player2_canvas"), element("player2_status"));

// Connect the clients to the server.

// Read initial parameters from the UI.


how would you implement this in the multiplayer-poc boilerplate? copy 1 to1? doesnt seem to workā€¦ any help much appreciated!!