Missing transactions between random blocks

Hello team!

After importing a random Revolut wallet (0x9b0c45d46D386cEdD98873168C36efd0DcBa8d46), there were 24 transactions missing (just from ETH) out of 7653. After some analysis, I noticed a few transactions were missing from the response. I noticed it happened in random small block intervals.

Here’s an example using your online API test:

I gave the endpoint a small block range from block 19033920 to 19033930:

Leading to no results:

However, you can see the transactions do exist (as per Etherscan’s analysis):

These intervals without response seem random, and all occur within the last 5 months. Can you take a look at it?

Thank you!

[quote=“pedropereira aarpmahjongg, post:1, topic:25716, full:true”]
Hello team!

After importing a random Revolut wallet (0x9b0c45d46D386cEdD98873168C36efd0DcBa8d46), there were 24 transactions missing (just from ETH) out of 7653. After some analysis, I noticed a few transactions were missing from the response. I noticed it happened in random small block intervals.

Here’s an example using your online API test:

I gave the endpoint a small block range from block 19033920 to 19033930:

Leading to no results:

However, you can see the transactions do exist (as per Etherscan’s analysis):

These intervals without response seem random, and all occur within the last 5 months. Can you take a look at it?

Thank you!

Hello, @pedropereira

It appears that you’re experiencing inconsistencies with transaction data when importing a Revolut wallet into an API. Missing transactions in the data set can be due to various reasons, such as API limitations, temporary outages, or syncing issues.

To address this issue, you may consider the following steps:

Verify API Endpoint: Ensure that the API endpoint you’re using is correct and supports the type of query you’re performing.
Check API Documentation: Review the API documentation for any limitations or specific parameters that need to be set for retrieving transaction data within certain block ranges.
Cross-Reference Data: Use multiple blockchain explorers to cross-reference the missing transactions and confirm their existence.

If the issue persists, it might be helpful to look into the API’s system logs or error messages for more insights. Additionally, if there’s a community forum or a knowledge base for the API, it could be beneficial to search there for similar issues encountered by other users.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

Best Regard,