I want to use method " getTokenMetadataBySymbol " to get contract address of token and then get token price , for example i called this:
const options2 = { chain: “bsc”, symbols: [“SAFEMOON”]};
and got hundreds of results like below:
address: “0x378ff4fe063fa29acc105f76d6405205c9d1119e”
block_number: “8242108”
decimals: “18”
logo: null
logo_hash: null
name: “SafeMoon”
symbol: “SAFEMOON”
thumbnail: null
validated: 1
[[Prototype]]: Object
address: “0x1c2d7c26e990a9e09f2620f67604e21cef8b5321”
block_number: “8242108”
decimals: “18”
logo: null
logo_hash: null
name: “SafeMoon Token for BSC Network”
symbol: “SAFEMOON”
thumbnail: null
validated: 1
Main question : what are all these an how can i get the original SAFEMOON by symbol?
Another question : Is there a better solution to get token price by symbol?