Logs are not working


New issue encountered within the interface I canā€™t access logs here is the error log on the side of my browser

Thank you for reporting this issue. Can you please let us know your server url and server version? Also, could you show us your cloud function so that we know what the issue might be?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hey Thanks to you :wink:

Here are the asked informations :
URL https://mul6sjymzxa1.moralis.io:2053/server
VERSION 0.0.242
Currently none of my cloud functions calls the logger :frowning: But i guess I may have made a call to it in the past that had to display a value which made the ui crashed in the process, but honestly i couldnā€™t remember which one :o

Do you remember logging something really big just in case? :thinking:

Not not really maybe some objects thatā€™s allā€¦ But honestly Iā€™m not even 100% sure it was due to a certain log here the browser error seems to be pointing to something else

t.match is not a function

Really looks like a regex issue of some sort

@SachaH Can you restart the server?

The logs just came back i guess that the problematic displayed line went out of the log buffer, but still pretty strange

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