Keep getting CORS error

I am using Moralis to keep track of my user’s info on login. For some reason, seemingly at random, I keep getting the following error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

I have no idea what is causing it because it runs completely normal until a certain point and then just starts giving me that error. Then I check the moralis website and my server’s stats wont load, so my only option is to delete the server and make a new one, which fixes the issue. My question is what kind of things could be causing this? Is it normal? How do I prevent it?

I can’t locate that server, was it deleted? Check what you’re doing on your server e.g. if you have too many event or wallet syncs, the server may run out of resources making it unresponsive.

Would checking the account every time on load be considered too many syncs? And yes, it was deleted to make a new one.

Would checking the account every time on load be considered too many syncs?

No if you mean checking account or wallet address, that is not a sync.

Hm… well that’s basically all I do (for now). I log in with moralisAuth and then repeatedly check the account

Sometimes free servers go down now occasionally - you can try restarting when that happens.