Issues pulling data from object stored in one of the columns in Moralis DB

Trying to fetch the data from DB which is storing some record emmited from contract and having problems pulling specific info out of the object stored.

Object is below, the data needed is on a bottom in bold text in args ( {“type”:“BigNumber”,“hex”:“0x24”}



        "type": "BigNumber",
        "hex": "0x24"
        "type": "BigNumber",
        "hex": "0x24"
        "type": "BigNumber",
        "hex": "0x2331"
        "type": "BigNumber",
        "hex": "0x038d7ea4c68000"
        "type": "BigNumber",
        "hex": "0x2330"

How did you add that data into mongo db initially?
What problems are you having now?

The data is coming from emit and written to DB. We trying to pull ItemId from that record.

    const marketContract = new ethers.Contract(NFT_MARKET_ADDRESS, MarketABI, signer)
    const listingPrice = await marketContract.getListingPrice()
    const transaction = await marketContract.createMarketItem(
      data.amount || 0, 
      { value: listingPrice }

    const record = await transaction.wait()
    const moralisData = {
      ...omit(["file", "isAmount", "isAuctionSelected", "isbPrice"], data),
      // jsonFile,
      // assetFile,
      **record: JSON.stringify(record),**
      interval: 0,
      isActive: true,
      createdBy: address,
      seller: address,
      holder: NFT_MARKET_ADDRESS,
      isSold: false,
      contract: NFT_MARKET_ADDRESS,
      expirationDate: dayjs().toISOString() // We need to specify value type for fist item

you can sync that event in Moralis DB using event sync, it looks like you are adding a JSON string on how you are doing it there
assuming that moralisData is what you add to db, you could preprocess it to be in the format that you want

for sync events: