I am carrying out a smart contract feasibility study for a potential client of mine.
My client is a service provider with customers in the millions!
Almost all write ( .sent() ) interactions with the smart contract will come from the service providers’ customers, meaning they (the service provider’s customers) will be charged gas fees as they will be writing to/running state altering functions in the blockchain.
Also, most of the read ( .call() ) interactions in the same smart contract will be coming from the service providers themselves.
I find it unfair to have to charge the service provider’s customers for gas fees and would rather divert the gas fee charges to the service providers themselves.
Is there a way/solution/library where I can divert gas fee charges to another wallet account, in my case the service providers wallet?
A even better solution would be to collect gas fees in advance storing it in a pool intended for their future customer usage, then deduct the gas fees as their users write to the blockchain via .send().