Is It Possible To Fetch Next Transactions Without Previous Cursor?

We need to retrieve the list of all transactions of a given wallet.
Right now, the way we are doing it is by using the cursor we get from the previous request.

This means that we need the result of the previous page to calculate the next, which increases the amount of time it takes to fetch the whole list.

Ideally, if we know the wallet address has 1000 transactions, we could send 10 requests asynchronously, at the same time, each with it’s own offset, as this would have minimal delay.

Is this possible using the API?

It is not possible now with current API for that particular endpoint.

If you have 10 wallets then you can run them all in parallel

Of course, but it would be great if we could optimize the process of fetching transactions for a single wallet.
Would be great if you guys built it in the future. :blush: