Invite members to Moralis account who already have an account setup

Iā€™m trying to invite another email to my account but in Account #2 when I click ā€œActivate Accountā€ email I get an error ā€œSomething went wrong! Unauthorizedā€

Account #2 already has its own account setup so Iā€™m assuming you can only invite emails that do not yet have a Moralis account?

can you check in the browser network tab with what credentials did you try to authenticate?

Browser console and network tab shows POST request to shows 401 error - Unauthorized.

This is from the domain from the invite email.

If I go to the regular login page and login with the same user it works.

You can check the network tab for the exact credentials that were used to see if everything is as expected.
There was a similar case in the past where different credentials were used.

Do you open the invitation link from another browser (where you havenā€™t logged in with the invited user) or incognito window?

@cryptokid - I donā€™t see credentials anywhere in Network.

@alex - Iā€™ve tried clicking from the email (Chrome/Brave) and also copying the invite link to incognito (Chrome/Brave/Firefox).

Can you try testing for another Moralis account (create one if necessary) and invite that user.

I just confirmed that it does not work for existing accounts with or without a server deployed and all user roles.

It does work if the email has not yet been registered with an account.

Iā€™m not sure why this is happening - you should be able to invite existing Moralis accounts - which I can do so with my second account.

Can you try inviting from the other way as a test - invite the first user from your second account.

Inviting the other way from other accounts doesnā€™t work either