Invalid amount in MetaMask app on iPhone

I have this issue and I found that I must use etherjs library . I am interesting if moralis has added some solution to this problem.

can you give more info about this issue?

I am using the Moralis transfer function, and everything works perfectly on the desktop, but when i transfer funds from mobile walletconnect with Metamask I got the error “Invalid amount”. I found on the forum that it is a gas problem.

const options = {
        type: 'erc20',
        amount: Moralis.Units.Token(amount, '9'),
        receiver: addressTo,
        contractAddress: '*******************************',
      const transaction  = await Moralis.transfer(options)

I remember another forum thread with this issue, I don’t know yet what is the reason of this happening

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Yes you will need to set gas manually until it is fixed by MetaMask.

Related topics:
Invalid amount error when initiating ERC20 token transfer from dApp · Issue #3999 · MetaMask/metamask-mobile (

MetaMask - Invalid amount in MetaMask app on iPhone - Moralis - Moralis Web3 Forum - Largest Web3 Dev Community :chart_with_upwards_trend:

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