Internal JSON-RPC error using Unity SDK's ExecuteContractFunction method on Android


I implemented my contract functions in my Unity project using the ExecuteContractFunction method and they work great when I build for WebGL using Metamask Chrome extension. However, in Android build I always get the ā€œInternal JSON-RPC errorā€ in my Metamask Mobile app. The authentication works flawlessly, Iā€™m connected to the wallet.

Is there a way to properly debug the issue and identify whatā€™s wrong?
Could there be any specific problem with ExecuteContractFunction method on Android? Is there any other method I could use for running a write contract function? I tried using this one: Moralis.Web3Api.Native.RunContractFunction but it fails since apparently itā€™s only for read functions.

This is my method:

public static async UniTask<string> ApproveToken()
            var spender = GameManagerAddress;
            string amount = (BigInteger.Pow(2, 256) - 1).ToString();
            BigInteger amount = BigInteger.Pow(2, 256) - 1;
            object[] parameters = {

            // Set gas estimate
            HexBigInteger value = new HexBigInteger(0);
            HexBigInteger gas = new HexBigInteger(0);
            HexBigInteger gasPrice = new HexBigInteger(0);

            var result = await Moralis.ExecuteContractFunction(TokenAddress, TokenAbi, "approve", parameters, value, gas, gasPrice);
            return result;

And hereā€™s the contract:

Note: I tried speedy nodesā€™ RPC URL for Binance Testnet in my Metamask Mobile app but with the same result.

FYI this fails as well:

public static async UniTask<string> ApproveToken2()
            var spender = GameManagerAddress;
            string amount = (BigInteger.Pow(2, 256) - 1).ToString();

            object[] parameters = {

            // Set gas estimate
            HexBigInteger value = new HexBigInteger(0);
            HexBigInteger gas = new HexBigInteger(0);

            MoralisUser user = await Moralis.GetUserAsync();
            string fromAddress = user.authData["moralisEth"]["id"].ToString();

            Moralis.InsertContractInstance("approve", TokenAbi, "97", TokenAddress);
            Function function = Moralis.EvmContractFunctionInstance("approve", "97", "approve");
            var result = await function.SendTransactionAsync(fromAddress, gas, value, parameters);
            return result;

Any help, anyone, please? Is there a chance for a custom support from Moralis team? We plan to release soon.

I once happened to have the same error. Tried to clear Metamaskā€™s cache memory there after it worked as champ.

did you found any solution for this error?.Please help if you did