Installing web3UIKit

I am really finding it difficult getting to use the web3UiKit. Can someone help me with the installation process?

I found this from the npm documentation online: “yarn add @web3uikit/core @web3uikit/web3 @web3uikit/icons” But it only does very little as it throws an error each time I try using the “Icon” component of the library. I have run out of ideas since I am pretty new to using moralis and its libraries.
I need help pls. Thanks in anticipation

How are you using and importing any components from the icons package? It needs to be something like:

import { Metamask } from '@web3uikit/icons';


  • Icon component does not exist anymore.

From the GitHub repo.

Thanks @alex

But what exactly does the Metamask component do in this context?
How do I get to implement the “icons” component(s) I wish to use when I wish to use them?
Is there any recent documentation explaining all of this?

Thanks in anticipation @alex

That is just the metamask icon imported directly from @web3uikit/icons. You can directly specify the icon name at the import.

Check the github docs here:

Thank you @johnversus. This was helpful