If the server is asleep/can't be found, moralis just get stuck waiting for the server

If the server is asleep/canā€™t be found, moralis just get stuck waiting for the serverā€¦

How to reproduce?
set moralis like this, and just delete the server / let it sleep, moralis is then stuck and the ā€œstartā€ promise never resolves.

would be super nice to just allow all the operations in spite of moralis not being able to contact the server and just skip syncing the moralis database in this case, but I guess that might be too much to askā€¦

you should get a timeout error (it may show as CORS) when trying to connect to a server that is not available

you say that it gets stuck at Moralis.start in that case and will never execute the second console.log?

Yup, because my server was asleep, but anyway we roll into production now so thatā€™s less of an issue for us, and just a funny bug in moralis.