I think there is a problem with moralis walletconnect or maybe am not doing something right

Do you get this dialogue? –

Upon clicking on MetaMask, it took me to metamask for executing the transaction. This is how it would look like –

Let us know if this is what you see on your non-ethereum browser.

I also tried to integrate Walletconnect as well as Portis and Torus, but all fail, the last 2 at the authentication step (How to authenticate / signin with Portis and Torus wallets)

Walletconnect kinda works, but only just after logging in. It looses connection to the app fast and when I go to another page after logging in the contract calls don’t trigger the mobile wallet, because the connection is lost. So that might be the problem you also face. I have to look into how to maintain or regain the connection from app to wallet via Walletconnect.

yes it connects but no contract call works at all i think @matiyin has rightly explained it

I’m testing this issue now

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sir please any update?

I will let you know when it is fixed or send you the solution. It takes some more time to solve the issue :smile:


Could you provide more details? (address, methods, code etc.). We need to know the steps for reproducing the error

@collinskrubu I guess that solution can help you Send transactions and bsc mainnet/testnet transactions

Step one: GO to a non ethereum browser
2: Connect with wallet connect
3: try to call a contract
4: it does not work

i also tried what you gave in the link it still doesnt work
I taught you tested it on your own side

The only time it works is when am using it in a wallet dapp like alpha wallet

but doesnt work on meta mask

Do you mean it doesn’t work with Metamask if you use it from WalletConnect?

yes sir , i doesnt work

Thank you. I’ll let you know when it gets fixed.

Hi did you found a solution for this ?
Because I’m creating an NFT marketplace on moralis.
But the major issue I’m facing is calling contract send methods.
Only approve seem to work . Other than that signature or any other method doesn’t work on wallet connect mobile

Hi @ZainHasan

It’s already fixed. Do you still have this bug on the latest versions?

What do you mean? Please provide us more info

I have done the enable Web3 for both desktop and WallectConnect. Now the issue is that When I trigger Contract Methods Like Sell NFT or Auction or creating a signature(web.eth.personal). It first gives option among wallets and on opening it just waits there no transaction pops up. Also Approve method comes atonce but I have written signature inside of Approve but that doesnt works as well. After Approve is done it doesnt returns to browser for further progress. Any solutions ?

Im using moralis “0.0.109”,

Hi So I did the Moralis.Execute Funtion. Its wokring in the desktop but again in mobile. Its not waiting for the callback. Any suggestions ?

executeFunction now also has a awaitReceipt param so that you can use it with events when you set it to false:

      .on('transactionHash', hash => {
      .on('receipt', receipt => {
      .on('confirmation', (confirmationNumber, receipt) => {
      .on('error', error => {