I need a good help please someone should help 🙏

My metamask balance doesn’t show like this same way 140835102-0f3b2549-e199-47aa-bc60-f6b601bd79e9

And hear is my setup

I’m not sure what is the problem, it looks like you want to setup a local devchain and connect metamask to that local devchain.

Yes exactly …I have my local devchain set up and I have already connected with my metalmask account though the devchain but I can’t see the balance once I log into localhost:3000

how are you trying to get that balance?

How do I go about it

Hi @Jackson

Currently this feature is not supported in localdevchain.

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You mean I use go on mainnet

Or does it work with ganache

Web3api APIs don’t work with a local dev chain. It would work with a testnet or mainnet

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It still doesn’t work with ropsten testnet

what it doesn’t work? what are you trying to do there? can you share the code?

I am trying to authenticate with my ropsten testnet and I want my balance to show in Assets

ok, how do you get the balance for current account, what is the code that does that?

i dont have any code …all i want is that once i authenticate with my metamask that has my ropsten testnet… i want to be able to see the eth in my metamask on my app…

i also tried using roptsten network and still didnt work…

How you want to display that? You mean that you don’t know how to do it and that is why you don’t have any code?
You can use Moralis.Web3API.account.getNativeBalance