I need a good help please someone should help ๐Ÿ™

My metamask balance doesnโ€™t show like this same way 140835102-0f3b2549-e199-47aa-bc60-f6b601bd79e9

And hear is my setup

Iโ€™m not sure what is the problem, it looks like you want to setup a local devchain and connect metamask to that local devchain.

Yes exactly โ€ฆI have my local devchain set up and I have already connected with my metalmask account though the devchain but I canโ€™t see the balance once I log into localhost:3000

how are you trying to get that balance?

How do I go about it

Hi @Jackson

Currently this feature is not supported in localdevchain.

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You mean I use go on mainnet

Or does it work with ganache

Web3api APIs donโ€™t work with a local dev chain. It would work with a testnet or mainnet

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It still doesnโ€™t work with ropsten testnet

what it doesnโ€™t work? what are you trying to do there? can you share the code?

I am trying to authenticate with my ropsten testnet and I want my balance to show in Assets

ok, how do you get the balance for current account, what is the code that does that?

i dont have any code โ€ฆall i want is that once i authenticate with my metamask that has my ropsten testnetโ€ฆ i want to be able to see the eth in my metamask on my appโ€ฆ

i also tried using roptsten network and still didnt workโ€ฆ

How you want to display that? You mean that you donโ€™t know how to do it and that is why you donโ€™t have any code?
You can use Moralis.Web3API.account.getNativeBalance