I have made a stream as per your tutorial which works but then no longer works although I do not change anything.

I made an example for a transfer of more than 50,000 usd, now it doesn’t work anymore, it displays every transfer and the stream limit has been reached in no time, sickness

How can I check, test and buy something that is so badly made that I never know how it will work or how much I will pay for it?

What is current config for the stream?

You will find it in the swagger interface.

this stream used most of the records:

      "streamId": "cf1ca42b-7a58-4a02-aee0-919d8a7d69d3",
      "totalWebhooksDelivered": 171,
      "totalWebhooksFailed": 0,
      "totalLogsProcessed": 4581,
      "totalTxsProcessed": 2510,
      "totalTxsInternalProcessed": 0

it looks like that stream no longer exists