I am getting error while using yarn to install dependencies after cloning the react native boilerplate

[4/4] Building fresh packages...
$ node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --install crypto,http,https,os,assert,url,stream,events --yarn
not overwriting "react-native-crypto"
not overwriting "@tradle/react-native-http"
not overwriting "https-browserify"
not overwriting "react-native-os"
not overwriting "url"
not overwriting "stream-browserify"
not overwriting "events"
not overwriting "readable-stream"
not overwriting "react-native-randombytes"
not reinstalling assert
not overwriting shim.js. For the latest version, see rn-nodeify/shim.js
failed to parse node_modules\resolve\test\resolver\malformed_package_json\package.json
Done in 1992.59s.

Delete node_modules folder and try again.

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This didn’t work for me. removing node_modules still gives the same error

You get same errors as in the original post?

You can ignore these warnings, the boilerplate should still start up. Install everything again with yarn install and run yarn run android or yarn run ios.

Any other issues, you can post in this thread.