How do I use the EVM API in Cloud functions?
Iām trying to use this.
How do I use the EVM API in Cloud functions?
Iām trying to use this.
That is with a self hosted server or with a managed moralis sever?
You can use directly moralis sdk in cloud code to use the API, you can also make http REST requests if you want in cloud code
with a managed moralis server
Moralis.Cloud.define("nftsss", async()=> {
const NFTs = await Moralis.Web3Api.token.getAllTokenIds({
address: "xxxxxxxxx",
chain: "bsc testnet",
return NFTs
This is the function, however it says token is not defined.
With Moralis managed servers it is the old syntax from moralis v1 sdk
Yes, Iām using the v1 docs
the syntax in await Moralis.Web3API.token.
and not await Moralis.Web3Api.token.
Do you guys still have the link for documentation? Thanks for this btw.