How to use bulkUpdateMany?

Hello guys!

Iā€™m struggling a bit when trying to use bulkUpdateManyā€¦


Iā€™ve created a column ā€œTestā€ which is a number and has a default value 0 on my ā€œUserā€ table that has already 2k rows. As you know when we add a new column even if it has a default value it comes as ā€œundefinedā€ for the existent rows.

Iā€™m trying to perform the new function provided by our beloved Moralis team (bulkUpdateMany) however, Iā€™m not making itā€¦ could someone help me?

Code example:

   const queryUsers = [{ filter: { Test: undefined }, update: { Test: 0 } }];
  return await Moralis.bulkUpdateMany("User", queryUsers, {
    useMasterKey: true,

OBS: if I enable my table to public users be able to write then it works, but obviously I would like only to run it once so then I need the ā€œuseMasterKey: trueā€, but it isnā€™t working.

Error: Permission denied for action update on class _User.
    at handleError (moralis.js:25632)

probably unrelated, if you remove the filter there and try to set that Test to 0 for all the entries, it still fails with the same error message?

it looks like you are using the right syntax:

await Moralis.bulkUpdateMany("TableName", query, { useMasterKey: true })

User table in particular has ACL on every row, you may need to enable write for public to be able to register new users

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But in my question Iā€™m not registering new users, I want to update the existent ones.

If I let the ā€œwriteā€ enabled for users, will the users be able to run this bulkinsert appointing to my table? because I just did that and it workedā€¦

I want to avoid any external call from runing database updates/posts in my database, only through my public methods. Is it possible? I mean , how should I do in order to have that? just hide all fields from public and keep the write access?

A user can not update the fields for other users from front end, but they can call a cloud function if you made one that does that.

You can protect your cloud function by checking that only you call it or a specific secret parameter is provided for example. Or run it once and comment it after that.

It may be better to create a separate table in your case where you keep additional user info, you can also use beforeSave hook to prevent current user from modifying the data from a column.

Iā€™ll go for a separated tableā€¦ for what I understood I canā€™t ā€œhideā€ the column from the user, he has always permission to see it no matter the visibility I set on the column.

Thanks crypto kid