๐Ÿค” How to fork this website?

Hi! I would like to create something like this web: https://cryptoegg.games/

What steps could you take? My intention is to use Moralis, Hardhat, VSCode, ethers.js and all of this would work on the BSC network.

I would love to know how I can copy the contract code to make my own fork.

Thanks in advance.

Hey @invest

You can find their smartcontract on https://bscscan.com/address/0xfD259E5a4591Bd6E3f7d902bC656F93049a760BB#code

You can make changes you needed. Moralis SDK can help you with wallet authorisation, feching info of token and NFT balances

Good luck :man_mechanic:

Thank you very much for answering.

Do I only need to copy the section โ€œContract Source Codeโ€ or also the others (Contract ABI, Contract Creation Code, Swarm Sourceโ€ฆ)?
And one last question, can I combine Ethers.js and Web3.js in the same project?

Thanks :grin:

If you are new to web3 programming I suggest you take a look at Solidity Tutorial on Moralis Channel or you can level up your web3 skills on online courses Ivan On Tech Academy

You need only source code, everything else is generated automatically after deploying a smart contract.

You can combine Ethers.js and Web3.js in the same project, but I donโ€™t think there is a reason to do it. Itโ€™s better to use only one of them

Happy BUIDLing :man_mechanic:

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