How to constantly read contract?

Hi, how do I constantly read contract method. So it instantly change when supply change.

const currentSupply = await contract.methods.totalSupply().call();

if it is your contract, or if there is an event when the total supply changes, then you could listen for events

I have whole thing for contract methods in:

if (window.ethereum){
//contract methods
const currentSupply = await contract.methods.totalSupply().call();


If I change “if” to “while”, it will constantly read, but will it be ok for website?

I don’t think that it would be ok, as it will do it in a loop, you can add a delay of some seconds between the call

How exactly can I do that?

there is something like a sleep that can add a delay, you have an example here: Cloud Function calling it self again after hitting error (?)

I’ve added 2 seconds of delay, do you think that will be enough.

it could help, you could try with different number of seconds if it doesn’t work well