How to change page on NFT owners API

Hi, Iā€™m fetching NFT owners from the API but canā€™t seem to change from ā€˜page 0ā€™. There are 10K NFTs and I only get 500. How can I iterate through the pages? Or how can I get all 10K NFTs?


{ā€˜totalā€™: 10000,
ā€˜pageā€™: 0,
ā€˜page_sizeā€™: 500,
ā€˜resultā€™: [ list with 500 NFTs ā€¦

Hi, use the offset parameter at the end of the query.

?offset=0&limit=500 is ā€œpage 0ā€, ?offset=500&limit=500 is ā€œpage 1ā€. The page number just becomes the offset / limit.

Youā€™re probably locked from getting data past 500 if thatā€™s the default (would you want to get 10,000 all at once as well) so youā€™ll have to iterate through the list with additional queries.

Thanks, worked great. You should add this to the documentation!

Scratch that, you should add a parameter ?page=x to the url!

You can suggest that at

Pages would be a bit easier to use for sure.