How is the C# Moralis SDK coming along? Is it usable?

I noticed that this exists.

Is there documentation?
Is it functional enough to authenticate Metamask from within a Unity Project?
Can I CRUD to the Moralis cloud?
That’s about all I need it to do right now.

Or am I misunderstanding what this is for?

Hi @IntrepidShape,

The C# SDK is on pause as of now and will resume development with all the latest features very soon.

However, you can use the C# client for the Deep Index API to query all the important information.

You can find more details over here - and test the API over here -

PS - Basic functionality of authenticating Metamask can still be done through the SDK.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

The C# SDK is on pause as of now and will resume development with all the latest features very soon.

Awesome, really looking forward to it! I can see a huge use case of Unity Developers making blockchain games. At least that’s how envision it. Harnessing the power of Moralis for non-browser based apps would be so exciting.