How i can store array of objects in Moralis Db

Hi there
Iโ€™m building a music player app The feature Iโ€™m trying to implement is the ability for users to create playlists and add songs to their playlists

here is playList object scheme

at Song param instead of storing one song object i wanted it to be an array of songs object

i tried using

playlist.add("Song",  newSong)

but ended up with this error
Cannot add elements to a non-array value

my code :point_right:

const addSongToPlayList  =  async (song) => {
            song.add("Song", {currentSong})
             console.log("the added song", song)

any idea on how i can do this

what is the type of the column in the first place (it seems to be object)?

you can read current data from that row for song, add a new element to that array and then save the new array

yes in first place itโ€™s an object

Hey, can you tell me how to create a new dapp in moralis, as there is no option on my admin section about how to create a new one. It is only showing to add a new stream.
I want to upload my data on moralis server and then fetch it from there to my frontend.

you can not create a new dapp/server any more, we disabled this functionality for the accounts that donโ€™t have any server, we are planning to migrate to self hosted servers