How do I find out for what price the NFT was purchased?

how do I find out the latest NFT cost and or something like that?

You can query the marketplace e.g. contract or API if they have one (like OpenSea) where this NFT is listed.

okey, thanks. But i have one more question. how i can find out the price for which nft was minted?

Do you mean the mint gas price/fees or the marketplace price? The former you would look at the transaction for that NFT when it was minted, the latter on the marketplace (contract/API).

Ye, i mean the mint price/fees. Do you know how its make with moralis api?

You could use getTransaction if you know the specific hash or getTransactions if you know the address that has this transaction.

You can check out our API docs for what we have available.

i know smart contract address and token id and i want to get transfer history. its possibly?

I don’t think getting a full transfer history is possible currently for a particular tokenId with the API.

For the contract, you could use getContractNFTTransfers for all transfers and then filter out the results for only the ones related to your tokenId.