how auto convert sync event to stream
there isn’t an automatic way to do it now
can you give more info about what you want to do?
my production use a few sync event & cloud function, i want to convert to streams
ok, there isn’t an automated way, you will have to learn how to use streams API
now,i can’t view sync event detail. how backup it?
you can see the event sync details directly in the dashboard database
i want see sync event info as contract address, chain, abi, topic event…,
yes, there is a table in the database that should have all that info for all the event syncs
When you close Server feature so How can i access to database or add, update syncs
you will have to self host and at that time you will have your own database
you can use your own implementation that uses streams API to sync events into your own database
in stream api i not found contract address?
you have to add a stream first and then you can attach an address to that stream, this way you can attach multiple addresses to the same stream
So cloudfuntion will be not working?
And when Server feature close? We runing on production so need time for backup.
if you self host using parse server, then you will have cloud functions functionality, but for event sync in particular you can try to look at this post
I don’t know exactly now when will servers feature, you will have time to backup.