Help Please with Internal Server Error

Hello Moralis,

Could you please assist me. Do you recognize this issue. I have an NFT authentication webapp in development. I have had previous conversations with ‘Johnversus’ from your team. If you or someone else could help attached is an image of the result after clicking authenticate via metamask.

you can look in network tab to see what request returns that 500 internal server error

Been have a tuff time understanding the problem on this one. Here is another screenshot of what is shown on the network tab.

Hi, can you click on that error and see what response did you get?

This is what i’m seeing.

Can you click on “Response” and see what message is written there?

It says, {“error”:“Internal Server Error”}

Ill be back in an hour thanks for the thoughts.

can you check the server logs? it looks like a server is running on local host, maybe it has some logs

Hi thanks, To me it seem to the API key. But I dont know? Here another screenshot>

hi, did you set your api key inside .env? If not you will need to set it

In this section we explain that step, you get your api key here

That is the strange thing about it is I did set the API and set the security after saving and generating a new one a few times over the last day in order to get a positive result. No luck.

After you set up the .env file, did you restart your app?

I solved the problem no stress. I reviewed the env folder and notice is was labeled env.local.example still so I removed the tag example and found a new error. We are getting closer. Here is another try if you could continue to help.

Here is another view from the console>

Im not familiar with this one unfortunately, can you let me know which tutorials did you follow so i can test it out?

Technically im using this tutorial plus others. I am making a token gated NFT project. If it makes thing easier I could share a repo on gitHub?

I have same issues. and Your details about very useful for me. Thanks friends